Thursday, September 29, 2011

Converging Lines

Today I took one of my shots and used Photoshop to do some image correcting like taking out basic blemishes that I didn't want part of the shot. After that I cropped it and rotated it, using rulers to help line everything up straight. At the end of my editing, I used levels to brighten my picture and here is my final result.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 6- Photographs

These are some experimental pictures I took using different ISO settings. And then I am using Adobe Bridge (CS3) to look at my settings and pictures.

This is a water fountain with f 4.0

Here is the same water fountain with
f 5.6

THIS is the same with

Here is
f 11.0

Here is
f 16.0

Here is
f 20.0

Thursday, September 8, 2011

5 Good Photos from Other People

I like this one because of the way the light comes through the trees in the twilight.

I like these two because they are both amazing the way the outlines of the people are there and the way the light moves around in an organic shaped line.

I love long shutter speed star shots. I especially like this one because of the building in the middleground.

I like this one because it is half day, half night and it looks cool.

Week 3 - Summary

Here's what I learned today:AUTO Priority - the camera chooses all of your settings
Aperture Priority - you control the aperture setting
Shutter Priority - you control the shutter speed
Manual Priority - you control everything.

On The Lens There Are 2 settings:
AF (Auto Focus) - you line up the shot and then the computer focuses for you
MF (Manual Focus) - you line up the shot and focus the shot
Trifecta (3 things) - Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO.
Band has been going on most of this week and this band should go far even though the size of the band is small, I think that will cause us to become better faster.Classes are good I am doing well in them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 3 - Wednesday

Renaissance painters found that the eye doesn't rest on the center of a photograph. So you should use the rule of thirds to give a bit of background and to allow the photo to tell a story.

Also it is good keep in mind the foreground, middle ground, and background. And tonal values (blacks and whites) also lines are important that are good artistic things.

We can also pay attention to shapes

Juxtaposition - when you take two elements that are different so you can compare and contrast them.

Geometric shapes vs. Organic Shapes - Organic shapes are the ones that are sort of irregular, like a leaf for example. Geometric shapes are very set like squares or circles.

An Aperture - is an instrument that controls how much light gets to the camera
(the lower the aperture, the bigger the opening.)
Also works with shutter speed to control the depth of the field.

Shutter speed - controls how long the light from the aperture is in the frame.

"Photographers write with light."

I am interested in learning to shooting abstract and long exposure shots.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 2- What I Learned

Week 2 starting out we learned the definition of the word articulate ("Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language") we also set up these blogs and learned about Google Docs and Google Reader. We also learned about different camera angles such as the close-up or the High Angle.

In school, I don't like my second period class the room seems unfriendly and totally domineering. I hope that I will survive. I am aiming for a 4.0 this semester and am taking every opportunity to do that. So I hope to post later but until then, Bye!

This is my first post

This is my first post ever! My blog is now content after getting over the "non-picture" scare. Life is good.