Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Review Of A Portrait Photographer - Antonin Kratochvil

He is a photojournalist best known for his photography of Eastern Europe.  This photographer likes to shoot in black and white.  His pictures are often shot at an angle.  He shoots unique textures and patterns that you have to focus on in order to really see the picture.  Some of his portraits are not of people at all but of everyday things in other people's lives.

The smoke from the firefight makes a juxtaposition with the color of the sky.  
The range of textures from the rough of the rocks to the smooth of the water makes this picture interesting to me.  I also enjoyed the way he framed this picture, at a slant with the water running down with the picture.
The amount of movement and action in this shoot is breathtaking. 
I think this shoot captures the moment of captivity perfectly with the rough bars standing between us and them.
He went through a phase of shooting celebrities. I think this picture is interesting because you are looking in through the window at George Clooney.  I think that this is a often missed time in a celebrity's life.  You rarely see them in the calmness of their own home reading a book.

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